- QOL patch

  • Added
    • Added a Dev Notes section to the main menu that lets players know how far they should be able to get in a playthrough without providing spoilers.
    • Player is now informed if Briar was caught spying and has control over the outcome.
  • Tuning
    • Stealth skill now has significantly greater impact on whether a character gets caught spying or not. When your character's stealth skill is high, spying is safer and you're much more likely to catch Briar spying on you when her skill is low.
    • Doubled the impact that the Maverick skill has when determining if a character should turn a friend in. Mavericks are now less likely to turn friends in.
  • Bugs
    • Fixed a bug causing characters with high stats to turn in friends to the Praiseworn when they shouldn't.
    • Fixed minor bug causing random scenes to trigger when loading a game that was saved in the forest.


Firsts- 208 MB
34 days ago

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